Thursday, December 27, 2007

TRYing it OUT, SVP

This is my new attempt at a second post. The first one was the "Options" note. Here's a little update.

As noted in my options note I will close voting on January 2 unless somebody decides to vote later. But the big winner is Option 4 by default. The votes received so far are for Options 1, 2, and 4. And an exceedingly polite version or two implying Option 4 without really saying so.

In other words: do whatever I want and let you know. Well if you're reading this you can guess what I chose to do.

One item I had not anticipated is something called RSS. Now I have to look up something new. It might be the same as Option 1 - both blog and email. But Option 1 is also required due to the fact that we are still dealing with Winders 98 and aol.

That means I need to continue my email for those folks. But that's easy; I do my writing on another unnamed product that needs no introduction. The word is out. So it's easy to just ship it as email, which is why I haven't gotten around to the blog format before this.

OK, the point is the voting is not done but I'm going for a combination of options anyway. It's one of the benefits of being the author - I get to choose.

Oddly, this post won't go to the email group. I'll explain it to them in another note. Which will also become a post. This might be even more obnoxious than the email version, but since I allow feedback you can let me know.


1 comment:

Al LBRTR said...

Very interesting. What the heck are you talking about?