In my never ending quest to see new stuff and yet not contribute any constructive aid or comfort I discovered a fun way to visit the Puget Sound Link Light Rail Project. It’s a bus tour.
We (apparently anybody who signs up) passengers pick up the bus near the old King Street Station in Seattle. We need to bring cash for lunch. Or we don’t eat. Harsh. We have to RSVP. Some French saying I never understood.
The plan is to run people via bus along the construction route and show how things are going, completing, and fumbling. The last one should be fun. I don’t think the bus will be going through the toxic Beacon Hill Tunnel but it should be fun anyway. We’re allowed to ask questions.
My first question is “If I cross the International Date Line on my birthday do I still get presents?” Ha ha. That’s an old one.
So I’m going to send in my RSVP and hope for a seat. Umm, did I say that right? I meant a seat on the bus, not… well, you know. OK, forget it, I meant a place on the bus tour. I don’t need special privileges or an individual guide all my own; I’m willing to share the tour with various peasants from the Seattle Business Community. After all, they still have to make a living.
We apparently get to ride all the way to Sea-Tac Airport (owned by The Seattle Port Commission (Autoriity? Who knows?) and have lunch along the way. They promise to get us back by 3:00 PM. Should be able to get home by 7:00 if we take the bus. 4:00 if we drive.
This bus tour happens on September 19; so my report (if I get a seat) won’t be until after that. I’m sure other things will happen in between. Like the Ice Age in Seattle for Labor Day weekend.
Another example; I was at the site of the new Newcastle library, condo, swimming pool, bait shop, auto shop, and junk yard yesterday and the only thing there is a sign. However, somebody mows the grass regularly. Looks nice.
Anyway, if you happen to get on the Sound Transit web site and want a fun afternoon (maybe, who knows?) you might like to RSVP and join in. I’m sure if they get more than one bus load they’ll add more busses. Really. They don’t mention anything at all about “limited space” or “first come…” Sounds like a party to me. If you bring money for lunch, that is.
Highlights include visits to stations, pedestrian interference, and possible presidential election campaigns. Maybe Christine will be there. Or Sarah Palin; this could get interesting. Maybe I’ll ware my fancy jeans; and S.L.U.T. T-shirt.
This will give me some insight into plans to get a light rail line to Newcastle before the next Olympics; or 7. Coal Creek Parkway might be complete before that, but I doubt it.
Oh, it’s called the “Port of Seattle” in case you were wondering. They own Sea-Tac, where the third runway is being built. So far, only $100 million over budget, and counting. Not bad for a government project.
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